Technology in Nurturing Child

One of my teenage dream long time back is to be a young mother. I was not overly affectionate with kids like other woman. But I always wish that my kids will grow as a teenage while I'm still a young mother (still passionate about everything that adore by youth). So I hope that they can share any activities and secret with me.

Although my dream not fully fulfilled, but thank you Allah has give me a wonderful gift. At age of 27, I was awarded my first daughter, Nur Dayana Zulfah. Three years later, Nur Nuha Qaisara have come into picture of our life (me and my husband).

Me with Dayana Zulfah & Nuha Qaisara

Pregnancy and raising child experience really change the priority in my life. I try to put the highest effort for them. During pregnancy, I'm doing my best to ensure not missed any vitamin, milk twice a day and practice any spiritual (Quran, Solat Sunat etc) and physical activities to ensure I will deliver a healthy and intelligent baby. Thanks to modern technology for let me keep in track to monitor my fetus progress. Every month, I will do ultrasound checking and every 3 month, I will do 3D ultrasound. Let me explain a bit regarding ultrasound and 3D ultrasound.

Pregnancy Ulltrasound

A pregnancy ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to see how a baby is developing in the womb. It is also used to check the female pelvic organs during pregnancy.
An ultrasound scan involves transmitting high frequency sound waves through the uterus. These bounce off the baby and the returning echoes are translated by a computer into an image on a screen that reveals the baby's position and movements. Hard tissues such as bone reflect the biggest echoes and are white in the image, and soft tissues appear grey and speckled. Fluids (such as the amniotic fluid that the baby lies in) do not reflect any echoes so appear black. It is the contrast between these different shades of white, grey and black that allows your obstetrician to interpret the images.

This is a normal ultrasound of the fetus performed at 17 weeks gestation. The fetal face can be seen in the middle of the screen. The head is tilted left toward the placenta, which can be seen as a mound in the left of the ultrasound image. Both eyes are visible, and the area of white within the eye is the lens. Other facial features, such as the nose and mouth, are also visible.
3D 4D Ultrasound

3D ultrasound is a medical ultrasound technique, often used in obstetric ultrasonography (during pregnancy), providing three dimensional images of the fetus.

There are several different scanning modes in medical and obstetric ultrasound. The standard common obstetric diagnostic mode is 2D scanning. In 3D fetal scanning, however, instead of the sound waves being sent straight down and reflected back, they are sent at different angles. The returning echoes are processed by a sophisticated computer program resulting in a reconstructed three dimensional volume image of fetus's surface or internal organs, in much the same way as a CT scan  machine constructs a CT scan image from multiple x-rays. 3D ultrasounds allow one to see width, height and depth of images in much the same way as 3D movies but no movement is shown.
A 3D ultrasound of a human fetus aged 20 weeks
Gadget for Pumping Milk
Ultrasound and 3D Scan is the technology during pregnancy. Since first pregnancy, I always wish I can give milk that produced by my body to my kids at least until they are 1 year old. Old time parents wont believe this dream. For them it is too impossible you can breastfeed your baby and at the same time you work at the office. My mom keep on pushing me to train my baby drink a cow milk when my confinement period near to end. But, I keep on my principle and whispered to myself that I can do whatever I want.

Again, thank you again for the technology. Although juggling with operations work, never ended meeting, attend to EMBA classes during weekend, electric breast pump assist me a lot to ensure I fulfill my dream. Around 10 minute, three times a day during office hour, i manage to supply my daughter a human milk by daily basis at least 15oz.
Medela Freestyle- Gadget for Breastfeeding Mother

Internet also give me a full assistance during my difficult time in nurturing my kids. Each time I have any inquiry in their development, I always search the info in internet. As an example, when Nuha experienced a lot of milk rashes at her face, I get an advice from my friends via facebook and blog in how the older people tips.

This is a few blog or website that I always visit for getting info to ensure I be a good mother and my child will growth as best as other people's child.

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Productivity Paradox

We (me and my classmate EMBA 7713B) have over MIS 750 classes almost 4 classes. Usually in any subject I always use one word or term and adapt it in my daily conversation.

Like economy, i love to used demand and supply.

"Boss, when we create a demand by increasing their allowance..of course staff will increase their output as per our request.."(hohoho-I dont know what my boss thinking of me..either I am show off or I have a weird dream last night..)

For management information system, i really love a word productivity paradox.

I used to feel increased one level higher any time I used unfamiliar words in my organization.(huhuh..naik bakul angkat sendiri!!)

"If we provide internet access for non exec staff just to ensure they being updated through email, don't you think its only create the productivity paradox? For sure they use that as privilege  for personal usage and maybe tend to not focus for job anymore. Just give them intranet only..."

(Did he ever think that I also use internet access to do my assignment during office hour?)

So what actually productivity paradox?
Octopus.. (So many facilities/ technologies but at the same time not necessary doing a work)

Paradox has been defined as discrepancy between the investment in IT growth and the national level of productivity. The term “productivity paradox” became popularized after being used in the title of a 1993 paper by MIT’s Erik Brynjolfsson, a Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and the Director of the MIT Center for Digital Business.(Cummings, 2011).

In a summary we can say, high investment in technology doest necessary will increase the productivity or output in organizations or country or national level.

Like what we discussing during class last Sunday, are investment from government to IT development in MDEC really add the GDP (gross domestic product) for Malaysia?

I read a report from Malaysia Investment Performance for year of 2011, government investment in biotechnology contributes about two percent of the GDP. It is estimated by 2020 the industry will contribute approximately 5 per cent of national GDP with total investments about RM8 billion and employment of 280,000.

This can be conclude as investment in technology doesn't matter can create productivity paradox. For ensure paradox wont happen, below are the tips:

  • Avoid wrong measurement of outputs and inputs.
  • Reduce lags due to learning and adjustment
  • Better redistribution and dissipation of profits
  • Avoid mismanagement of information and technology

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