

Thank you to my MIS750 lecturer- Prof Norzaidi for giving this wonderful assignment to us.

Blog as an individual project. I like it.

For this time being I already have another blog..My personal blog-for sharing of my motherhood experience.

This assignment (blog), we are being instructed by Prof Norzaidi to do an entry regarding any issues or knowledge regarding Information System.

For the first entry, Im thinking to share a bit of info regarding blog.

According to Wikioedia, a blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting entries typically displayed in reverse chronological order.

Previously, a blog users must required to have a knowledge of such technologies as HTML and FTP to publish content on the Web. However, in the late of 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitate the posting of content by non technical users.

Most blogs allowing visitors to leave comments and message each other via GUI (graphical user interface) widgets on the blogs. In this cases, blog can be seen as a form of social networking. Bloggers do not only produce entry to being post on their blogs, but also build social relationship with their readers and other bloggers.

Just like me, addicted to read a few personal blog make me such have a relationship with the writer of the blog.

A few blog that I make it compulsory to read at least once a week is:

Happy go lucky RedMummy. There is no surprise, everyone in blogger world knew she earn at least RM10,000 per month from her blogging activity.

Vivy's -sweet rich girl  and always express her enthusiasm as a young entrepreneur in
Lemongrass-Malaysian who married with Australian. Her blog name Salam Dua Benua..Everyday have a new story. How she manage to retain a Muslim lifestyle in middle of Western culture and also her fabulous recipe of Western food.

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